Go Green, Go Paperless

Go Green, Go Paperless.

Shafique Rahman

The concluding line in an email I received last week was marked in green and it stated, “Please consider the environment before printing.” The statement is incredibly brainstorming, especially for those who are responsible human beings. In the 21st century, the responsibility of a human should not be limited to the family or social life. Rather, it is time to be pessimistic; it is time to think about the decaying condition of the environment. It is time to be a part of the worldwide struggle for sustainable development. And your contribution would be as simple as using an OPAL card!

In greater Sydney people take 530 million journeys across the public transport network in a year, a survey conducted by the NSW Government, Transport For NSW Authority. As a consequence, travelers are also accountable for the deforestation of the number of trees required to produce nearly 530 million small pieces of cardboard tickets each year. WWF living planet report 2012 claims that the current paper use is projected to double by 2050. This will definitely increase pressure on the world´s forests in the context of finite resources.

However, Paper is part of our life and it can be a sustainable product, but only if it comes from responsible sources and is used efficiently and not wastefully. As paper production is resource intensive, becoming more competent in our paper use can cut energy use and climate change emissions, limit water, air, and other pollution, and produce less waste. Ultimately wasting less paper would contribute toward the struggle of humankind for saving Mother Nature.

Being a daily user of public transport networks everyone has the option in hand, either not to be a destroyer or be a contributor toward a sustainable green planet. Choosing an electronic ticketing system will not only save money or time, but in the longer term, it would be the greatest addition to saving our earth.